So i reached the office & thank god i was on time. so as time passed by i had this really nice customer whose boss was not around the office. he helped out by asking me to give the details as of to why such has happened & he will resolve it immediately. as i was about to leave for lunch i got a call from my GF & she said her car BROKE DOWN. OH NO, i asked her where & she said SUBANG. she needed a mineral bottled water as she assumed it was her car battery that was lacking.
At around 1.30, i drove to subang & i saw sooo many cars passing by & NONE of them i REPEAT none of them actually went down the car & helped. WOW!! im not trying to criticize Malaysians but they are REALLY HELPFUL (sarcastically). that's what my GF told me, that for the past ONE HOUR no one came down & tried to help. so after her car was partially settled which it broke down again & the car was at the workshop, it was discovered that her Radiator broke.
I had to drive my GF back to her place to drive her dad to Subang to show him the workshop. while i was driving during the MASSIVE JAM, i BUMMED into another car. SHIT!!!!! what is wrong with the day. luckily it was a TINY crack at the back part of the person's car. he was soo nice & we brought him to the nearest workshop to repair the damages. it was MINOR & cost about RM50. thank god.
I was late for work which was after lunch hour. i arrived at around 3.30pm. my boss asked me what happened & i told him exactly what happened. so after a quick meal in the office, I started working. i called the customer whom i spoke to earlier in the morning. he was FURIOUS at me. here's how the conversation went.
Me : Good afternoon sir. so did u receive my fax?
Customer : What are u trying to do?
Me : What did i do?
Customer : I went to one of your offices in Rembau, Pahang & one of your staff told me i did not cancel my phone line.
Me : But sir that was what i received in my system. like i told u it was a system error so that's why i faxed u a one paged form black & white for our company's reference.
Customer : don't lie to me. your staff told me to ignore the form. who should i believe? U or him?
Me : don't ask me, ask yourself who do u trust. i can't do much to help if u can't help me by sending back the form i sent to u because your phone line will be automatically terminated within 3 days even when i do not terminate it.
Customer : i'll sue your company & i'll bring u to court.
Me : BRING IT ON!! u want my full details? coz i can give it to you to pass it to your lawyer.
Customer : u wait i tell u, i'll DRAG u to court.
Me : no problem sir. u do what's right yeah.
Customer : ...........(hung up the phone).

What a bad day for me, i basically got ATTACKED by the customer for no good reason. oh well, human error & the thing is i was going to set it straight & make things right but i guess u can't change everything to make it right bcoz there are some things u just have to let it be. so im left with 3 weeks of work & i managed to CLOSE UP 14 SALES for the whole week. YAY!!!!!
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