Sooooo SORRY!!!! that i did not have the time to update my blog as i've been quite busy this week with work. GUESS to make up time for lack of sales last month. So 2 nights ago i had this really weird dream that there was this lady with really LONG & SHARP nails who have been stalking my area for quite some time. this lady was always flying up on people's rooftop looking for victims but apparently NOT!! she was after MEEEEEEEE??!!! OH NO.. HELP HELP!!!!
So i went on by seeking help as to how can i stop this crazy woman from eating me up. so i went toseveral "BOMOH" & some of my relatives for help but somehow she managed to put them in a spell & continued to approach me. i remembered my brother & my GF was in the picture towards the end helping me out. This lady is FAST!! she tracked me down so quickly that i had to make a last minute run for survival.
The last thing i remembered was that she caught me & scratched my NECK. as i was about to wake up i could feel like someone was trying to scratch me. it felt SOoooooooooo REAL.. this must be a case where i don't actually wash my FEET. like some elderly people say "BASUH KAKI DULU SEBELUM TIDUR". which i didn't so i guess that is why i keep having weird, freaky & scary dreams on ALTERNATE days.
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