It's sad to say that people these days are getting more 'sick in the head'. There was once i read in the paper where a guy murdered the wife but brutally torchered his children who was barely alive with full of blood all over their body, badly wounded by their father whi was using sharp items to harm them. To the point i remembered reading in the paper that the police had to shoot the father for continuous abuse.

There's one common child abuse case which leads to raping children that I seriously get annoyed with. The cases of fathers raping their daughters are really 'disgusting'. I despise these kind of people. They should be punished to death as i find this the most disturbing act that effects the minds of people around.

The last issue of child abuse that should be stopped is by abusing children mentally with parents behaviour in & out of the house. It effects the mind of children thinking that their parents are neglecting them. It's sad to say that these children are mentally unstable & they seek for love & affection from their own parents & they do not get it. Therefore they might seek for attention from other people such as friends or love ones.

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