Finally the wait is over as I got to watch the premiere screening of
Vampire Sucks yesterday. Lucky for me, i got to leave early from work at around 5pm. I thought i was going to be stranded in the office till 6pm sharp. I was so hungry & i couldn't function. People always say during 'puasa' month u tend to put on more weight but not in my case as i lost a lot of weight and i realize that through my working pants. It gets loose these days.

Back to the movie, it's where
Twilight meets GAGA.. There were scenes that really made me laugh out so loud as it was clearly a spoof of Twilight. They had Black Eyed Peas impersonators, Edward the vampire being GAGA-FIED. It was more focused towards the girl, the vampire & the werewolf. Even though i didn't find it that funny compared to Scary Movie, but it was worth watching as they bring spoofs to another level and different as it was more of a Twlight parody with mixtures of Jersey Shore impersonators & a few clips of Alice In Wonderland.

At times it was not as funny as it was supposed to be but anything that makes fun of Twilight, i would watch it as i'm not a huge fan of Twilight. Bella is actually Becca in the movie but Edward the vampire & Jacob the werewolf portrayed the same exactly like the Twilight installment. Most of them were about the same characters in Twilight. Just a few that were put in as an addition to spike up & make the movie funnier.
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