Anyways, last Friday i went to watch a malay movie called MANTRA. I went with Sha & my brother Ashraf. When the movie started, i thought it was gonna be some stupid malay movie which is low budget coz i had no idea who the actors were. They are kinda new. As i was watching after 10 minutes it got interesting. HELL YEAH, some spooky storyline about how being possessed actually was. I just can't believe why people would do such thing. What the hell's wrong with these people using black magic to get to their own needs.

I heard stories of things like this happening around but i still can't believe it. The way it was portrayed on how people depend on the devil to get revenge that could cause people's death. SPOOKIE!! People could actually die getting possessed. I do hope someday that these people would die by doing such black magic towards others that are innocent. DIE DIE.. For those who have not watched it, please do so u'll be aware of DANGER coming towards u coz god knows people are so hateful.
dear azrin...
ReplyDeletemantra is based on true story of the shaman last 20 years ago....
in this kinda of things is still strong in our society... kite je x prasan cozz ramai yg x pcy pasal tu la x nampak....
i know citer dia seram dr yg lain.. so xde geng akak nk tgk huaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
miss u kim slm kat sha -kak lizz-
hi kak liz.. tu la.. sometimes kite x caye kt benda ni tp benda2 cmni jadik plak depan mata kite or ppl around us. so mmg citer ni best sbb it relates to things that are based on true stories.
ReplyDeletehuhuhuhu kwn akak putus tunang... n best part baju nikah dah siap.. leh putus kozz ade org ke3..
ReplyDeleten father kwn akak... meninggal cozz of santau.. semua ni ade.. sedangkan tuhan mengizinkan syaitan tok sesat kan manusia... n dlam islam pun kite di ajar akan kewujudan alam ghaib n makhluk halus...
so benda2 ni memang ade n wujud n masih kuat.. malahan lg kuat krn kiter semua ambil lewa je.. so bile kene dah mkn dalam.... waiting todie la jwb nyer....