Last Friday Sha got free tickets to catch Peter Pan The Musical & to top that off - Free Night Rides & Park to enjoy after the show. It was at about 7.30pm when we arrrived to get the tickets & it was supposed to start at 8pm. As we were walking towards the Amphitheatre we bumped into our friend, Mel whom we have not met in ages. 

The show was supposed to start at about 8pm. At about 8.15pm we heard that it was going to start in 15 mins & at about 8.30pm they had another announcement stating it will start in 5 minutes. At about 9pm they started the show. There were some loud 'BOOS' 5 minutes before the show started.

Overall it was okay to me. Peter Pan didn't really seem like Peter Pan. When he started singing i felt like it was another Boy Band video clip in the 90s. Seriously!! All 3 of us eventually had Ice Cream while watching the musical. At about 9.45pm it ended as it was stated that the show was an hour but however it was only 45 minutes.

As all of us came out from the show, it started raining cats and dogs. It was a long way to walk to get to the main entrance. Everyone was soaking wet. Wow!! it's been sooo many years since i last stepped foot in Sunway Lagoon. There are so many changes in the Theme Park. They've added 3 new parks that includes Night Park. COOL!!!!