LAST WEEK on Tuesday right after Sha finished her last exam paper, we finally stepped in the CINEMA to catch a movie after so long. the last movie i watched was Shrek - The Final Chapter. We watched THE KARATE KID as there were so many BUZZ for the movie as some people say it's a MUST WATCH.
I have to give it almost PERFECT for this movie as there were mixture of KICK-ASS & laughter. Will Smith's & Jada Pinket Smith's son, Jaden Smith is the main character in the movie along with Jackie Chan. Who needs a stunt man when you have Jackie Chan in a movie. Sha spent most of her time drooling over Jaden Smith in the movie & she can't stop saying 'DAMN' & 'AWWWW'.

The last Karate Kid movie i watched was back in those days when i was a kid & it was Hilary Swank in it. I find the older version boring & this new installment of Karate Kid is A MUST WATCH. Jaden Smith & Jackie Chan really did KICKED ASS but the movie title is much not suitable to be Karate as it was more to KUNG-FU though. 'THE KUNG-FU KID'???? NAH!!!! it sound weird. For those who have not watched it, go grab yourselves tickets to go watch it before its too late.